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【神秘】日本屈指の大鍾乳洞 秋芳洞を散策 | Walking Around Akiyoshidō cave

秋吉台国定公園の地下にある日本屈指の鍾乳洞「 秋芳洞 」に行ってきました。 総延長が10kmを超える、日本最大規模の大鍾乳洞としても有名な 秋芳洞 は 約1キロの観光コースを散策することができます。


Akiyoshidō cave (秋芳洞), a special national treasure, is one of the largest limestone caves in the country. It is filled with geographically precious objects such as gigantic stalagmites, rimstones like terraced rice fields, and many others. The cave started forming a million years ago and you will be fascinated with the visible history of the earth. Enjoy it thoroughly by viewing and photographing. You will walk through the cave comfortably as the temperature stays 17 ℃ throughout a year. You can go directly up to the Akiyoshidai Plateau (秋吉台) from the elevator located in the middle of the cave.

【山口県美祢市 秋吉台国定公園 観光情報】



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